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Giving Opportunities


You Make A Difference

It is through the support of our generous community that we can help students and educators hold on to hope. It is our belief and notion that the foundation of our education system is predicated on the inclusivity and safety of students and the well-being of teachers. If teachers are fully supported and treated as experts in the classroom, the reward is astonishing. More young, bright students will gravitate towards the profession of their dreams, bringing new ideas, excitement, and passion to our ever-changing world. 

Our B³ (Bridge Builder Brigade) Go-Giver Program is comprised of a special group of individuals who make a personal annual undesignated direct gift of $1,000 or greater to ensure that the mission, programs, and services offered by the organization remain robust and attainable, now and in the future. Go-Givers are undoubtedly the bridge brackets designed to strengthen and provide rigidity to the connection bridging the gap between what is needed in the classroom and what funding is readily available. These committed and passionate individuals come together with a shared vision, to leverage our most important investment – the educational and personal success of our kids. 

As a B³ Go-Giver to Twin Falls Education Foundation you are the bed rock of our work — the solid, profound, immediate support that makes our day-to-day programming possible and directly impacts struggling students and innovative educators.

Be A B³ (Bridge Builder Brigade) Go-Giver today!

Your generous non-designated contribution will help ease the daily burdens and needs of the organization in meeting the increasing demands asked of it. We invite you to participate at a level meaningful to you:

  • $1000 Go-Giver
  • $2500
  • $5000
  • $10,000

We challenge you to invite your family and close friends to join in the effort and champion the cause of support in hopes that they too will become a Go-Giver!

Bridge Builder Brigade 

B³ Go-Giver Appreciation Dinner

The B³ Go-Givers make an extraordinary impact with their annual donation. As a token of our appreciation, there is an annual Go-Giver Toast and Appreciation Dinner that features multiple curated courses expertly paired with fine wine extended as a thank you to those who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of students and educators.

We’d welcome the opportunity of including your name on the guest list. If you have already become an active Go-Giver – Thank you!  To become part of this extraordinary group of individuals, please email ?????????? or call 208-933-GIVE (4483).