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Teacher of Month

We all have memories of a favorite teacher; someone who took the time to help us succeed, who was willing to answer our every question, who challenged us to see things from a different perspective, who stayed after school to read every last essay, or who believed in us even when we did not believe in ourselves. We think amazing teachers who go above and beyond the ordinary should be recognized for their extraordinary contributions, and for more than 30 years Twin Falls Education Foundation has been doing just that.

Through the combined efforts of great partners, we have been striving to elevate the education profession. Our passionate partners are dedicated to the betterment of our community and consistently emphasize the importance of education and educators. We are indebted to their incredible generosity and grateful for their sponsorship and support! But we need YOU!

We need you, students, parents, colleagues, and the community as a whole to take that extra step to recognize and nominate an outstanding teacher in Twin Falls School District. You can nominate your educator by snail mail or our online TOM submission page — A review committee made up of Foundation members, parents, educators, and representatives from sponsoring agencies and the general public review nominations on a regular basis and selects each weeks winner.

Tell us about what makes your teacher amazing!

Complete the online submission form or write a letter explaining the special abilities and contributions of your favorite teacher and email them to the following address:


Who Can Be Nominated?

Any licensed educator or support staff in any elementary, middle, or high school in Twin Falls School District. 

How To Nominate A Teacher

Nominating an extraordinary educator is easy! 

Please submit your nomination by using the on-line application form or provide the needed information as stated on the application via email to: