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General Statement

Mission & Values


To strengthen public education in Twin Falls School District through advocacy, investment of resources and programs that empower every student to achieve both academic and personal success. 


As business professionals, we bring our talents to the marketplace every working day. We exercise influence, get things done, and move our sector forward.  Our professional tool kits are full of the latest and greatest in new ideas and strategies—we are brokers, leaders, managers, and individual producers.
Underneath these worthwhile endeavors are our core values that fuel the process. These values are the foundational principles that shape our motives and impact our decisions. The programs, products, and services we deliver will change from time to time, but our core values remain the same:

  • Great People. Our personnel and engaged Board of Directors is our greatest asset. Great success only comes from committed and inspired individuals. We acquire the best people we can, foster their passion, and empower them to make decisions.
  • Professionalism.  Our professional values are the principles that guide our decisions, actions, and success. We are meticulous in our undeviating courtesy, honesty, innovation, and responsibilities in dealings with our stakeholders. It involves fundamental values of integrity, commitment, and respect for oneself, the organization, and those for which we serve.
  • Transparent success. Our beneficiaries come first. Our programs and events are about students and educators, and we know that the results we achieve reflect upon education. We work for unqualified success, and we do so quietly, professionally, and impeccably.
  • Proactivity. We applaud proactive behavior, acting in advance of a future situation, rather than reacting. We value anticipatory, change-oriented and self-initiated behavior in the workplace. We take control and make things happen rather than adjusting to the situation or waiting for something to happen. Proactive individuals generally do not need to be asked to act, nor do they require detailed instructions.
  • Integrity. We conduct our business in accordance with the highest standards of professional behavior and ethics.  We are transparent, honest and ethical in all our interactions with stakeholders, employees, benefactors, donors, and the public.
  • Meaningful relationships. We strive to create genuine friendships with our donors, our stakeholders, Twin Falls District personnel, our participants, and our communities. We develop an emotional connection in our relationships that exemplifies integrity, compassion, loyalty, friendliness, and trust. We treat people the way we want to be treated.
  • Uncompromising standards. We believe that incredible performance leads to extraordinary results. We are our own toughest critics. We constantly evaluate ourselves and engage in healthy conflict to continually improve.
  • Cost-consciousness. We understand that fiscal accountability makes us better partners with our donors and a better non-profit organization for each other. We understand that the path to sustainability is paved with responsibility and diligence. We think through our fiscal decisions.
  • Boldness. We believe that we create our own success. So, we take informed chances. We value action over indecisiveness. We encourage creative, innovative answers. We discuss solutions rather than problems.
  • Partnerships. We strive to broker partnerships with business, community, and other non-profit organizations in furthering and advancing educational excellence and academic success.  Strong partnerships provide better and more robust solutions in meeting the needs of education.
  • Accountability.  We willingly take responsibility for actions and outcomes in delivering on our commitments and results.  We own up to shortcomings and mistakes and take responsibility for one’s actions.  We honor obligations, expectations, and requirements.
  • Leadership. We believe that leadership and values are inseparable.  The demonstration of ethics within the organization is explicit, not implicit, and our values of mutual respect, honesty, and integrity, and personal accountability support the professional environment and success of the organization. 
  • Respect. We embrace everyone’s unique talents and honor diverse life and work styles.  We operate in a spirit of cooperation and value human dignity. We are open and honest.  We trust in, rely on, and support each other as members of a high performance team.  We hold ourselves to high standards because we believe we are up to any challenge.
  • Continuous Improvement. We measure, monitor, analyze and improve productivity, processes, tasks, and ourselves to satisfy clients and stakeholders. We work with enthusiasm and intellect and are driven to surpass what has already been achieved. We are not afraid to stand alone, especially when it is the right thing to do.